2010年5月16日 星期日

No We Can't

in parallel to Obama's Yes We Can, Hong Kong gives you No We Can't.

No We Can't. We cannot vote. You have not read me wrong, and I'm telling you, no we cannot vote in, say, 10 years. If we are not even able to defend our 'high autonomy' and exercising 'Hong Kong People administrating Hong Kong' when we've only returned to China for 12 years, I can't imagine 10 years from now. And for those who did not vote today, you have my sympathy for not even participating in a political activity that not every citizen around the globe is allowed to be involved in. I'm not even talking about civic responsibilities (enough of indoctrination) but it's a right. (For some procedure problem, I cannot exercise my voting right yet but if I could, I would have been the first one queuing up at the poll station. Oh no wait there isn't even a queue.)
Choosing not to vote doesn't mean you are any more intelligent, insightful, disapproving the so called referendum/the resigned legislators approach or aloof from any interests that only 'peasants' would concern. In the end, when the statistics show that there are less than 20% voters showed up and HK is again being criticized that 'politically unconscious', thanks to you, non-voters.

It is discouraging to see how nonchalant people are. I mean, puh-lease, the money is spent on printing the ballots anyway, its no longer about being eco-friendly or whatsoever. If you're talking about wastage, leaving the ballots untouched is the worstest wastage EVER. if you hate the re-electing legislators, vote for someone else. if no one can possibly represent you in the LegCo, throw in a blank ballot! Pourquoi pas?? At least you've made your stance clear. What is this, absent?! Absent =/= Abstain, no?

Everyone has different political views. That's a given. And that is exactly why we need to vote. Well, now that no one shows up, I guess we've come to an almost-unanimous decision, and that is... Ta-Da! We don't care! Awesome, I cannot wait to see how our decisions are made by our dear Central Government in China.

Don't even make a noise, not to even mention complaint and moan, when No We Can't really takes place. You did make your choice today, Hong Kong.

No We Can't.

3 則留言:

  1. If Hong Kong democracy is prone to failure, I'd rather Hong Kong be a socialist country. But not under the reign of China.

  2. wharton you'd better be careful with what you're saying before my blog is being closed down lol
    i'm not trying to promote democracy or anything. hk's not really ready for it either. but i'm just appalled by how indifferent people are.. :(

  3. universal suffrage does not necessarily bring democracy.
    every brazilian citizen is obliged to vote, but i cannot say we're a democratic country.
    don't lose hope in hk! Yes, YOU CAN!
