2010年4月10日 星期六

Donnez-moi une leçon de sorryology

Okay. seriously. what's so wrong with saying sorry?

I know sometimes I'm saying sorry a lot, but then, why is it even wrong when it is necessary (to me) and when everyone's interpretation and definition of "sorry" is different?

Let's put it this way.
Let Sorry be "dui ng ju"
Let Excusez-moi be "ng goi"
and Let ThankYou be "ng goi"/"doh jeh"

"ng goi" is always how i start my conversations. i mean, even in english, you would say "excuse me" to grap someone's attention. ...or am i wrong? it doesnt mean i'm feeling sorry for bothering you, but it was necessary to grap someon's attention. like, you won't go to an macdonald's counter and say, "Oy/Yo/Hey, can you fetch me a cheese burger combo?", no?

and when you bumped someone, or failed to help someone when being asked to do a favour, my habit is to say "ng ho yee see" but then, you won't say "excuse me" in that situation if you happened to be speaking in english. so instead i said sorry! i mean, you failed your friend, you wouldn't even say a word just to tell her you feel bad for failing her? please.

well at least i do care if it is me being failed by my friend. or a thank you from you if it is me helping you the tiniest bit of stuff. cos they are simple, very frequently used words. you're intelligent and comprehensive. you're civilized. you're nice. and you'll say it for the sake of provening that you are civilized and nice. and that's etiquette.

and that is why sorry to me has always been light-hearted. not that i'm using it casually, but it is because i've defined it as something like "oops/... (i was just about to type sorry again)". Seriously, its not that serious. if you get what i mean.

I understand everyone's definition for sorry/excuse me is more serious than mine, and because of that, and because of my beloved friends and my beloved mom's reminders, i'm changing catchphrases. atm i can see progress in myself. verbally i still cant really stop it, but its becoming less frequent in my casual writing and typing. just give me some time.

and its now almost 2am again. oh darn. i've completely ruined my perfect plan for tomorow. oops if you will excuse meee, i must go for now xx

p.s. okay no more late night sleep. and i have a list of reasons to share.
p.p.s. i still owe my blog something fashion-related. OOPS lol
p.p.p.s. yes i just a family dinner just now and if possible, there are loads to tell as well. oh god maybe i'm just too talkative.

3 則留言:

  1. Honestly, I dont think you have to think about this question, I mean to me you are being too particular about small details of life. Sry is sry, I can say it in whateva way i want in whateva situation i want. Of coz there are a certain time in which u would say u r saying it not really becoz u want to but that u feel like so
    but so what? I mean its just a word n that's all
    just chill and relax, if u dont think that much life is much easier

  2. sorry i just cant be bothered. this is MY blog and i told you this is going to be about words and being lily-ish. i know it sounds fussy, but then this is the point of having my own blog! i need room for sharing these private thoughts. and i write it here cos
    a. little people read this, so i'm not bothering too many people. the majority (like you) wouldn't bother to hear these littlest things if i just go blahblahblah, but if i write it down, at least the blog is not exactly a person and i have something to rely on as my very own outlet of ideas
    b. everyone WOULD bump into this everyday, and probably someone would share my thoughts, just that apparently that person is not you
    c. this is specially written for myself, mes amies and ma maman who reminded me of stop saying sorry all the time
    so if you would just try to understand my point of view, give me a little space to write my heart out and the importance of words to me, life would be a lot easier too

  3. Kylie, il y a vraiment une difference entre 'excusez-moi' et 'je suis desole!'
